There are days that I think I have something important to say. Yet most days I realize that no one reads my post, and worse, very few care what I believe to be right or true.
So why do I sit behind the computer in my spare time and stare at an empty screen, trying to gather my thoughts and make the effort of putting them into words? Why does any blogger publish their thoughts into cyberspace? What do we expect to get out of it? My wife certainly wants to know. She considers it a personal affront that I chose to blog instead of sharing my thoughts with her.
The answer to this question will be different for everyone. My answer is simple - I write for myself. It's cathartic. My mind races constantly, reflecting on the day's events, and trying to figure everything out. Writing is my way of harnessing a million different thoughts, scenarios, or permutations, so that I can derive a logical conclusion. Writing is the process I use to ensure that I can accurately communicate verbally. I wouldn’t describe myself as a verbal kind of person. In fact, words don’t come easy to me. I think in images or concepts. Ideas form as images in my mind and when they are ready, I put them onto paper.
Well now you know why I write, but the question remains - why Blog? I'm asked this often. I also hear the 'your daughter is going to be so pissed when she reads all that you've shared on the internet'. A childhood friend implied that I'm being self-centered, selfish and thinking the world revolves around me. Maybe writing a blog is a bit indulgent but there are some good reasons why I chose to do it.
First, as described above, writing helps me to translate my visual learning style, to covert pictures to words, so that I can interface with a world that is principally verbally-oriented.
Second, blogging satisfies a creative need. I never knew how much I loved to write until I started writing professionally about twelve years ago. I started writing business plans, collateral, and website content as a marketing consultant back in 2000. Much to my surprise, I was good at it. That was it. Once I started and I was hooked. Today I need to write to work something out in my head. It feels good.
Third, I believe that it's really important to write about my struggles in life. You'll have to continue to read my posts if you want any more dirt.
But, the most important reason why I blog is my family. This is for them. This is a chronicle of our life together. If, god forbid, something were to happen to me, they will always have these stories of our adventures, struggles, triumphs, failures. I know that I'm an enigma to most. I don't want them to have as many unanswered questions about me as I've lived with.
first comment goes to me! i look forward to reading your blog posts, as i always do with your writing! love you!