Now that the emotion has dissipated, I believe the jury reached the proper verdict. Common sense suggests that Casey Anthony was involved in and covered up her daughter’s death. Yet we don’t know how Caylee died. I believe that she was accidently killed by her narcissistic mother, but I saw no evidence to prove it. The State's entire case was supposition and circumstantial.
As a parent I cannot begin to understand the behavior Casey Anthony exhibited. Nor can I fathom a scenario where a father would allow his daughter to face a murder trial if he were involved. When considering these two issues in concert, I can think of no plausible explanation for how Caylee died other than Ms. Anthony was “involved”. Unfortunately my beliefs are only proof of my bias, my thought process. The manner in which I would respond to a situation is not the standard by which someone else should be judged.
Yes. I am angry that there will be no justice for Caylee. Yes. I despise Casey Anthony and her parents. From the beginning I have felt that there is something very wrong with that family. There are more skelletons to be found. Yet the bulk of my frustration is directed to the Prosecutor. The State over-reached. I would have preferred that Ms. Anthony was charged with Criminal Obstruction, Failing to Report a Death, Lying to a Police Officer, and Unlawful Disposal of Human Remains. They had ample evidence to put Ms. Anthony away for years while building a criminal negligence manslaughter or Felony murder case.
My only hope that Caylee did not die in vain is that her mother’s life becomes a living hell. In my eyes she will forever be known as the woman who partied whiles her daughter lay rotting in a swamp.
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